Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

Co Occurring Disorders Treatment 1

Also referred to as dual diagnosis or comorbidity, co-occurring disorders affect a large number of people struggling with addiction and mental health issues. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 7.7 million adults in the United States have co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders such as depression, psychosis, anxiety, and PTSD. Although a […]

Fentanyl Myths And Misinformation

Copy of What Is Fentanyl Uses Addiction and Treatment

Fentanyl, a powerful synthetic painkiller, has been the subject of many headlines due to its increasing contribution to the opioid crisis and overdose deaths. Because of this, there is a lot of fear surrounding fentanyl and it has become the subject of many misconceptions and myths that can lead to further harm and confusion. By […]

Humor In The Recovery Process

Humor In The Recovery Process

In recent years, the use of memes and humor has become increasingly prevalent in the recovery community, as these are widely shared on social media platforms. At Quest 2 Recovery, we recognize the importance of seeking professional support and resources in the recovery process while acknowledging that humor can be a valuable tool in the […]

Panic Attacks After Drug Use

Panic Attacks After Drug Use

Understanding The Connection Between Panic Attacks And Drug Use  Panic attacks are episodes of extreme fear accompanied by uncomfortable physical symptoms that can feel especially overwhelming for people struggling with substance use or mental health issues. Panic attacks can be triggered by drug use and withdrawal and often occur out of the blue. Because it […]

How Long Does It Take To Detox From Weed?

How Long Does It Take To Detox From Weed

Detoxing from any substance can be a challenging experience, but it is a necessary and important first step on the journey to recovery. Quest 2 Recovery is here to support people who are struggling with substance use by providing the resources and support they need to detox successfully from weed and other drugs. The amount […]

Can Drug Rehab Be Fun?

Can Drug Rehab Be Fun

The journey to recovery shouldn’t be a negative experience. Many people in rehab are extremely talented and some people that have been sober for years still look back fondly on their time in rehab thinking about singing and playing guitar after scheduling is done. It’s been said that “laughter is the best medicine”, well a […]

Healing The Family Unit From Substance Abuse

Healing The Family Unit From Substance Abuse

Eighty percent of the time, families are the ones that call on behalf of the victim. The family is affected by a substance use disorder (SUD). The familial context contains information about how SUDs emerge, are maintained, and what factors can influence the disorder’s treatment positively or adversely. Theoretical frameworks such as family systems theory […]

Is Addiction a Disease?

codependent relationships

  To most medical professionals, the inquiry as to whether addiction is a disease is a simple one with an obvious answer. The medical response would be, of course, addiction is a disease. A disease of behavioral, psychological, environmental, biological, and genetic factors. This cannot be denied as what the individual is experiencing is clearly […]

Is Addiction a Disability?

Drug Rehab Los Angeles

  Substance abuse disorder, whether it is alcohol use disorder or opioid use disorder, is a complicated and dangerous diagnosis that can wreak havoc on an individual’s physical health, personal life, and professional life. Addiction can occur due to a multitude of factors, including genetics and environmental traits. The decision to take the first drink […]

Co-Dependent Relationships and Addiction

Overcoming codependent relationships

Co-dependent relationships are common amongst those who struggle with chemical dependency. They are also one of the biggest relapse triggers. Successful and healthy relationships take a lot of patience, empathy, and determination. These apply to romantic, sibling, parent/child relationships, or friendships. Many of us don’t even realize we are co-dependent until the relationship destroys us.  […]

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