The Gabapentin High: Misuse of Neurontin And Its Consequences

The Gabapentin High Misuse of Neurontin And Its Consequences

Painkiller and opiate addiction is on the rise, and negatively effects more people each day. Misuse of prescriptions outside of opioid substances like their prescriptions like Gabapentin, also known as Neurontin has started to occur more regularly. Some doctors are, unfortunately, prescribing it when something less addictive would be more beneficial and effective. We need […]

How long does it take to break an addiction?

How long does it take to break an addiction

Addiction affects everyone in a unique way. In this article, we will discuss what addiction is, its timeline for recovery, and the best ways to break an addiction. Let’s get started: What is Addiction? Drug addiction is not an overnight process. It often takes months or years to develop bad habits such as drug abuse. […]

What are Whippets? Addiction, Effects & Withdrawal

What are whippets

Also known as “hippy crack”, “whip-its”, and “nitro,” whippets are cartridges of nitrous oxide, a psychoactive inhalant drug. Nitrous oxide is used to charge whipped cream canisters and is also used as a sedative and anesthetic by dentists and doctors, where it is commonly referred to as laughing gas. Whippet drugs cause feelings of euphoria […]

How Long Do Different Drugs Stay In Your Saliva?

How long do drugs stay in your saliva

Taking any kind of drug leaves a trace in your system and can be detected by different kinds of drug tests. One of the easiest and fastest ways to test a person for drug use is by taking a sample of their saliva with a mouth swab, as drugs enter saliva very quickly. Also known […]

How Long Does Drug Detox Take

How long does drug detox take

Detoxing from any substance requires a period of abstinence to allow the body to cleanse and  return to a balanced state. Detoxing from commonly misused drugs such as alcohol, opiates, methamphetamines, and benzodiazepines is the first step in the recovery process, but the amount of time it takes to detox depends on the individual. A […]

What are Blues Drugs? Roxicodone & Percocet Addiction

what are blues drugs

Roxicodone and Percocet are narcotic, pain-relieving drugs. Also known as “blues” because they are usually manufactured in small blue pills, these powerful opioid drugs are very addictive and have a high potential for abuse. They are also referred to as blues because people tend to experience severe depression during the withdrawal process. Prescription opioid drugs […]

How Do Residential and Outpatient Rehab Programs Compare?

How Do Residential and Outpatient Rehab Programs Compare

Treatment should always be considered when detoxing from drug addiction. If you avoid treatment, you are likely to relapse. If you are considering addiction treatment, you might by asking how residential and outpatient rehab programs compare to each other. The difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab can include the timeline, intensity of treatment, cost, and […]

The Benefits Of No Alcohol For 3 Months

The Benefits Of No Alcohol For 3 Months

Alcohol is a psychoactive and toxic substance with dependence-producing properties. Today, alcoholic drinks are a routine part of many people’s social lives. In this context, it is easy to ignore or overlook the health and social damage caused or contributed by drinking alcohol leading to the prevalence of alcohol use disorder. What Happens To Your Body […]

Quick Guide on How to Detox Your Body from Drugs

how to detox your body from drugs

Detoxing is not solely exclusive to the recovery process. Throughout the day, organs like the liver and kidneys work to rid your body of toxins.    When a person abuses drugs, toxins build up to unnatural levels, causing many health concerns. Although the writeups on how to detox your body from drugs at home can seem […]

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