How Fentanyl Is Used and Abused

Fentanyl is an extremely powerful and widely available synthetic opioid that was created to treat severe and chronic pain in clinical settings. What makes fentanyl unique is its potency – it’s 50 times stronger than heroin, which has led to a significant increase in overdose deaths. Fentanyl has also had a significant impact on the […]
Fentanyl: Effects On The Body

Fentanyl is the most powerful synthetic opioid in the world today. It is often used to treat extreme pain from surgery, cancer patients, and end-of-life care. Although it is useful for medicinal purposes, fentanyl can be deadly when used incorrectly or recreationally. Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine, […]
Humor In The Recovery Process

In recent years, the use of memes and humor has become increasingly prevalent in the recovery community, as these are widely shared on social media platforms. At Quest 2 Recovery, we recognize the importance of seeking professional support and resources in the recovery process while acknowledging that humor can be a valuable tool in the […]
Drug Induced Panic Attack

Understanding The Connection Between Panic Attacks And Drug Use Panic attacks are episodes of extreme fear accompanied by uncomfortable physical symptoms that can feel especially overwhelming for people struggling with substance use or mental health issues. Panic attacks can be triggered by drug use and withdrawal and often occur out of the blue. Because it […]
How Long Does It Take To Detox From Weed?

Detoxing from any substance can be a challenging experience, but it is a necessary and important first step on the journey to recovery. Quest 2 Recovery is here to support people who are struggling with substance use by providing the resources and support they need to detox successfully from weed and other drugs. The amount […]
The Gabapentin High: Misuse of Neurontin And Its Consequences
Painkiller and opiate addiction is on the rise, and negatively effects more people each day. Misuse of prescriptions outside of opioid substances like their prescriptions like Gabapentin, also known as Neurontin has started to occur more regularly. Some doctors are, unfortunately, prescribing it when something less addictive would be more beneficial and effective. We need […]
What Are The Best Treatments For Dual Diagnosis Disorders?
Although it may seem obvious, the best treatments for dual-diagnosis disorders are ones that address the needs of the individual. That said, at least 50 percent of people with a substance use disorder also have a co-occurring mental health issue such as PTSD, depression, or an anxiety disorder, which highlights just how important it is […]
How long does it take to break an addiction?
Addiction affects everyone in a unique way. In this article, we will discuss what addiction is, its timeline for recovery, and the best ways to break an addiction. Let’s get started: What is Addiction? Drug addiction is not an overnight process. It often takes months or years to develop bad habits such as drug abuse. […]
What are Whippets? Addiction, Effects & Withdrawal
Whippets also known as “hippy crack”, “whip-its”, and “nitro, are small canisters filled with nitrous oxide, commonly used in whipped cream dispensers. When misused, people inhale the gas to experience a short-term euphoric high. This use can be dangerous, as it deprives the brain of oxygen, leading to dizziness, disorientation, or even unconsciousness. Whippet drugs […]
How Long Do Different Drugs Stay In Your Saliva?
Taking any kind of drug leaves a trace in your system and can be detected by different kinds of drug tests. One of the easiest and fastest ways to test a person for drug use is by taking a sample of their saliva with a mouth swab, as drugs enter saliva very quickly. Also known […]