What You Need To Know About Medically-Assisted Detox

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Medically-assisted detox is becoming a highly recognized treatment modality but many people still don’t understand what it is. If you have ever wondered why detox should be assisted with medical intervention, this is the article you need to read.

What Is Medically-Assisted Detox?

The weaning of a drug from your system under medical supervision is known as medically assisted detox. This closely controlled detox may include the administration of a brief medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms and assist patients in recovering in a secure setting. This is especially true when a patient is detoxing from powerful narcotics with dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Detox is a personal experience for each person. The type of drug used and the length of time it was used have an impact on the detox process. Most drugs require days or months to recover from withdrawal symptoms. The duration of the withdrawal is determined by a variety of factors such as:

  • The substance to which the user is addicted 
  • How long the addiction has lasted
  • Abuse technique (snorting, smoking, injecting, or swallowing)
  • Quantity of drugs consumed 
  • Family history
  • Medical conditions that are causing the problem


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The Benefits Of Medically-Assisted Detox

As with most treatment modalities, there are significant benefits to using medically-assisted detox. These include:

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  • Professionals keep an eye on you at all times.
  • Modifications: If the staff believes your medicine needs to be modified, they can do so quickly. They may be able to customize your treatment down to the minute.
  • Withdrawal symptoms can be life-threatening for anyone who has been addicted to a substance for a long time. Having someone to supervise you while you detox keeps you safe.
  • Efficient pain management: Our facility provides medications to help with withdrawal symptoms, reducing the unpleasant side effects.
  • Increases your odds of regaining your health: Staying in a detox facility and getting entirely clean is an excellent starting point for the rest of your recovery.
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The Clinician Creates A Personalized Plan

Our doctor utilizes the latest detox protocols to help our patients with substance use disorders. For example, if patients are coming off of opiates or some type of opiate pain medication, she will use Suboxone to help them taper down withdrawal symptoms. That is not to say that it is going to be completely painless, or that they won’t be side effects, but she does everything in her power to make it as comfortable as possible. In addition, she will vary those protocols after meeting with the client, understanding where they’re at and if changes need to be made during the administration of the protocol. Accordingly, she will make those changes to try to alleviate some of the worst symptoms. 

How Long Does It Take?

The typical detox treatment facility stay for us is five to seven days depending on the type of drug. Five days is recommended for opiate addiction. Seven to ten days is more typical with clients who are struggling with alcohol addiction because there is a longer danger period from life-threatening conditions such as stroke or seizure, thus, they usually get authorized a little bit longer. Furthermore, the clinician’s detox protocols will also determine the length of stay for our clients. We work with our clients to ensure that they get the best treatment regimes at the center and beyond. 

However, in almost every situation, the time it takes to remove the hazardous substances from the body is less significant than implementing long-term adjustments to guarantee that the user does not relapse — and that recurring triggers can be effectively managed. Both inpatient and outpatient treatment can assist people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol not only get through detox as fast and easily as possible but also learn new coping methods that will help them cope with any unpleasant mental or physical withdrawal symptoms that may arise later.

We Are Here For You

Recovery from substance abuse is a collaborative process and we do everything we can to ensure that the process is as smooth and restorative as possible. During your stay at our addiction treatment center, we will make sure that you have all the support you need to start your recovery journey and maintain proper mental health. With our holistic approach in a family-like environment, we want to be part of your Quest to Wellness to heal the mind, body, and spirit. The admission at Quest 2 Recovery is pretty simple- we make it easy for you to start your journey to wholeness. Call now to learn about our detox services, it’s simple as your next dial.

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