A Day in the Life of a First Responder in Addiction Treatment

addiction treatment and first responders

Addiction is one of the most pressing issues facing the public health system today. Some people are at a greater risk of developing addiction and mental health disorders than others, such as individuals who are exposed to traumatic events. This includes first responders; the first people to show up at the scene of a natural […]

How Neurotherapy can help with PTSD

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Post-traumatic stress disorder, which is often shortened to PTSD, is a significant problem that impacts countless people across the country. Individuals can develop PTSD following a car accident, a traumatic experience, childhood trauma, or even experiences related to combat. Those who suffer from PTSD are often subjected to flashbacks that might be triggered at any […]

PTSD And Addiction In First Responders

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First responders have a grueling job. They see things that most people may not ever even have nightmares about and many first responders do not have access to the therapy and the help that they need to be able to effectively deal with these horrible circumstances and the stresses they deal with each day. First […]

How to Know if a Dual-Diagnosis Program is for You

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Real life is complicated. Our minds, our bodies, our feelings, even our experiences – on paper, it seems things should be so clear-cut. We think this, we want that, we feel X, Y, or Z… In reality, of course, it’s rarely that simple. Feelings crash into thoughts which disrupt our plans which then change our feelings – we are complicated creatures, […]

The Link between Depression and Substance Abuse

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The relationship between substance abuse and depression is bidirectional. This means that individuals who have depression do experience an increased chance of having a substance abuse problem and those with addiction are at a greater risk of having depression. Many people who suffer from depression will abuse drugs or drink in order to boost their […]

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