Why Dual-Diagnosis Programs Are Beneficial For First Responders

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First responders are the true American heroes. Paramedics, firefighters, and law enforcement officials such as police officers, work tirelessly so society can feel safe and secure. First responders are the solution to situations that seem like they have no solution. They display a level of courage that is almost unfathomable during the typical ‘work day’. […]

Neurotherapy & Addiction: All You Need To Know

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Addiction and substance abuse aren’t a matter of self-control, they are a physiological disorder that runs much deeper. Attempting to become sober and live a life of recovery can be intimidating and may seem impossible to someone battling an addiction, but it’s certainly possible to live a fulfilling, drug and alcohol-free life. Treatment options such […]

A Day in the Life of a First Responder in Addiction Treatment

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Addiction is one of the most pressing issues facing the public health system today. Some people are at a greater risk of developing addiction and mental health disorders than others, such as individuals who are exposed to traumatic events. This includes first responders; the first people to show up at the scene of a natural […]

Veterans & Substance Abuse: A Growing Problem

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Substance abuse is one of the biggest problems in the United States and directly affects the healthcare system. Historically, it’s difficult for people to get the help they need and access mental health resources. As time evolves, more resources are becoming available and they are helping destigmatize mental illness and substance abuse.  One population that […]

Why You Should Never Detox From Drugs By Yourself

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When you have a drug or alcohol problem, detoxing yourself is a dangerous choice. The problem with detoxing at home is that the withdrawals you go through need professional medical supervision. Withdrawal symptoms from detox are delusions, seizures, insomnia, vomiting, appetite changes, sleeping problem, anxiety,  and poor concentration.  Often medications or medical treatment is needed […]

How to Find Substance Abuse Treatment as a First Responder

substance abuse and first responders

Battling addiction is always tough. It can be even more difficult if you are a first responder and your reputation and livelihood are on the line due to substance abuse. That’s why Quest 2 Recovery in Lancaster, CA, has devoted an entire program for first responders to heal along with peers going through the same […]

How To Tell If You have A Drinking Problem As A Police Officer

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Police officers play a very important role and are a critical piece of the puzzle of a community. They have a job that has to be filled within every modern society. Law enforcement officers help to keep the peace and protect citizens from danger. In most situations, police officers are also role models that many […]

Why You Should Seek Out Addiction Treatment That Uses Neurotherapy

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Quest 2 Recovery offers addiction treatment for drug and alcohol addiction by using a comprehensive detox program followed by different therapies to treat other disorders.  We have neuropathy treatment used to treat addiction, psychological disorders, anxiety, PTSD, and movement disorders. Neurofeedback has been successful in preventing relapse in drug and alcohol addiction. It is a […]

Stressed And Sober: How To Keep Your Sobriety

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Recovery from addiction brings many challenges on the journey to lasting sobriety. The ups and downs of daily life can accumulate, increasing your stress level and the risk of relapse. Active measures can help you to deal with stress, so you can stay sober, regardless of outside circumstances. At Quest 2 Recovery in Lancaster, CA, […]

Neurotherapy for Chemical Dependency in First Responders

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First Responders are some of the most important people for those struggling with addiction. They are often the first point of contact for individuals with chemical dependency problems who are at the hardest points of their illness. The unfortunate truth is that First Responders can also develop these problems themselves. Neurotherapy is a new technique […]

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