The Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

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An inpatient, residential treatment program has significant benefits that cannot be matched by an outpatient approach when it comes to addiction, no matter how well-constructed the outpatient approach might be. This is because there are no gaps between treatment phases with inpatient rehab, the environment is controlled, and the client doesn’t have much in the way of practical ability to fall back to the addiction. This, in turn, allows for a smooth move from detox to recovery therapy as a result.

Clients who choose the inpatient approach are going to find that the structure works in their favor. The potential for peers bringing them temptation is reduced to almost none, and they have the ability to finally focus on getting past withdrawals. Further, there is constant monitoring and medical support, unlike at home when the detox phase gets really bad before it starts to improve. For those who have been addicted for a lengthy period of time, the inpatient approach is absolutely a must for a successful break of the addiction. Time and again, long term recovery happens more often and with greater permanency when inpatient treatment is applied.

The benefits of inpatient treatment are threefold:

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  • Physical
  • Psychological
  • Emotional

The Physical Improvement

There’s no question, the first break in the addiction cycle is to get past the physical demand for the addiction that keeps a client in a downward spiral. Fundamentally, the addiction break is ultimately made mentally, but the body has to be released from its addiction hold first. That generally happens best in a medical environment where the client can be kept separate from addiction material, but he or she can also be cared for if the withdrawal process itself creates a medical hazard (which happens sometimes with certain addictions such as opioids for example). Each addiction is tracked and prepared so that the client receives the right care needed during the detox phase.

The other big aspect of physical benefits is the literal separation from what the client is addicted to. There is no guarantee this can competently occur with an outpatient drug rehab approach. With an inpatient process, however, the harshness of the withdrawals can be addressed with immediate medical help, allowing the client to relax and get through the cravings. This won’t happen at home or in an outpatient scenario; the client either has to make it through to the next office day or go to the local emergency room. Neither usually happens in a lot of cases. In extreme withdrawal reactions, a licensed medical professional can guide the treatment hands-on with inpatient cases, resolving the reaction before it gets bad.

The Mental Improvement

The fundamental presence of addiction involves a mental capitulation to the addiction. So, the client has to be convinced that it can be broken and recovery is possible for recovery to stick. However, everyone is different, so a cookie-cutter approach doesn’t necessarily work. Inpatient programs can align the right psychological treatment to the client. This is critical because many times other conditions tend to go hand-in-hand with addiction. Depression, nervousness, attention deficit disorder, PTSD, bipolar disorder and even schizophrenia can be coupled with addiction. Again, an outpatient approach won’t necessarily spot these issues or even provide treatment at all. An inpatient treatment, on the other hand, can accurately identify parallel issues present in a given client and couple psychological treatment with the physical medical help during detox and recovery phases. This approach can also put the client on the right long-term track of psychological treatment as well.

The Emotional Passage

Detox and recovery can be scary. And what makes us human involves our emotions. Fear, stress, anger, sadness, and disillusionment all find their root in emotions. But so do hope, happiness, joy, passion, and confidence. Inpatient treatment helps the client move from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. And when clients achieve the most important step, building up confidence that their recovery is possible, then the addiction break sets in. The client realizes he or she is not alone, support is right nearby, and they are not lost. The downward spiral can be reversed. And it’s possible to think about tomorrow again.

A Center That Combines All 3 Benefits

Located in Lancaster, CA, Quest 2 Recovery involves a holistic approach to breaking the addiction and providing recovery treatment. With a focus on healing the body, mind, and spirit at the same time, the program provides an effective inpatient approach that can be customized to each individual addiction case. The goal is to break the internal personal lock of addiction, not just the physical craving. By identifying the real causes and providing a complete treatment, Quest 2 Recovery provides a far more successful approach for addiction recovery than many other options. When you or a loved one needs a completed substance abuse program, it’s time to call Quest 2 Recovery for help.

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